Alexandre Farms Dairy


Vat Pasteurized

Vat Pasteurized refers to the pasteurization of milk in batch-like style. Milk is held at 145 degrees for 30 minutes and then quickly cooled. This retains a high flavor profile for the milk while maintaining a minor percentage of the milk’s natural enzymes and beneficial bacteria providing their own health benefits of our milk.

Minimally Process / Low and Slow

Our low temperature pasteurization does minimal denaturing to the good enzymes in our milk, as opposed to a high temperature for a short time (HTST) which will cook the milk as high as 280 degrees. Our minimal processing means that the shelf life of our milk is shorter.

Non Homogenized / Cream Top

Along the minimal processing line, we do not homogenize our milk, therefore you have to shake it before you drink it because that cream has risen to the top. Homogenization breaks down the fat globules in the milk, and may be harder to digest, therefore we keep milk in its truest form with the cream naturally rising to the top.

PET Plastic Bottle (BPA-free)

The plastic that we use is called PET, and it is quality, safe, non-toxic, strong, lightweight, potentially digestible by bacteria, flexible material that is 100% recyclable, and BPA free. We also have a built in UV protection in the renin of the plastic, this ensures our milk doesn’t oxidize and lose the flavor we’ve been able to bottle. We aim to minimize the denaturing of the milk in any way, shape or form. The neck on the bottle protects the soft cream top as it sloshes in the case from the plant to a lucky fridge. Classic milk bottles had it right. We’re happy to revive a bottle style that was proven, worked, and should come back in an innovative fashion.

High Butterfat

The goodness of nutritional value get passed from farm to to bottle through our 6% whole A2/A2 organic milk and 4.5% flavored milks allow for more CLA’s and Omega 3’s per serving.

No Additives

There are no emulsifiers, no stabilizers, no carrageenan, no other additives in our milks. No hormones, antibiotics.

Simple ingredients, simple processing, simple packaging, simple label, great product. Available at Clark's stores now!



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