Concerned about soy? Another study adds to the debate about whether consuming soy is a healthy choice, finding that it may benefit menopausal women at risk for osteoporosis. Presented at the Society for Endocrinology’s 2015 annual conference, the study randomly assigned 200 women in early menopause (two years within onset of menopause) to one of two groups: the first group received 30 grams of soy protein plus 66 mg of soy isoflavones daily, while the second group received only 30 grams of soy protein daily. After six months, here is what the researchers found:
These findings show that taking soy protein plus isoflavones might slow bone loss in the short term, but longer studies that measure actual changes in bone mineral density are needed to determine whether this effect translates into protection against osteoporosis. One possible explanation for soy isoflavones’ benefits is that they are similar in chemical structure to human estrogen, and so might stimulate bone regenerative activity by interacting with estrogen receptors. This could be especially important after menopause when estrogen production is at its lowest. It is important to note that, while a typical Asian diet contains a similar amount of soy isoflavones as was used in this study, a typical Western diet only contains a fraction of that amount (about 2–16 mg).
Source: Society for Endocrinology 2015
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