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  • By Terra Wellington

Memorable Mother’s Day Gift Bags

What do moms really want for Mother's Day? When asked what she likes, mom Hélène Tricker of Albany, Oregon, says, "Any show of love is nice. When my daughter was small, I loved getting her adorable drawings. Now that she's a busy adult, I always look forward to getting some quality time with her."

What better way to show your mom or wife that you love her than to set aside some time just for her, and make it a fun break from everyday life. Here are some easy Mother’s Day celebration ideas:

Make your mother or wife feel pampered and loved

Coupons-of-love gift bag

Insert handmade coupons, redeemable for special time with Mom, into a pretty card and present them with a bag or basket of related items.

  • Take-a-Hike Coupon: Create a coupon for a nature walk, and include a gift bag of sports drinks, protein bars, trail mix, sunglasses, and a disposable camera.
  • Dinner-on-Me Coupon: Write that you’ll make dinner, and attach the coupon and card to a basket of fruit or special dessert to follow the meal. You might also promise dinner at a later date of her choice, and present the coupon with a bag of easy, delicious foods she might enjoy in the meantime, like gourmet soups, cheese and crackers, or a combination of high-end pasta and sauce.

Together-time gift bag

Want some quality time? How about a meal and a movie?

  • Purchase a lovely card and write a special note inside that expresses your love and appreciation. Let her know that you’re making her lunch or dinner and cleaning up afterwards.
  • Buy a gift bag and add a DVD: a drama, a classic—whatever Mom loves.
  • Toss in some movie treats like nuts, dark chocolate, and a tasty, healthy beverage.
  • Lastly, present your gift bag with a bouquet of fresh flowers that can be placed on the table for your meal.

For some inspiration to make your Mother's Day meal memorable, visit the Main Dish Index.

Terra Wellington

Mom Terra Wellington is a freelance writer and health stylist who will gladly take a pampering gift bag any day of the year.

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