CoQ10, St. John’s Wort, Turmeric, and diet products have all had their day in the sun in the natural products industry. Cellular metabolism components that are part of cellular enzyme systems have not enjoyed this popularity. PQQ is the biggest thing since CoQ 10 in years. PQQ might be the best kept secret, it has been on the market for about 6+ years. PQQ has been over shadowed by other popular products, however new studies may be bringing PQQ to the forefront. Recent research on PQQ has shown some promising effects on lowering LDL cholesterol with individuals that had moderately high cholesterol. A double blind study from Japan, for high triglycerides, resulted in a reduction in LDL cholesterol for participants consuming 20mg a day of PQQ for 6-12 weeks. Results showed a significant reduction in LDL cholesterol. .
PQQ is similar to CoQ10, as it works well in the mitochondria area. PQQ is an active antioxidant in the mitochondria, an area that makes large amounts of ROS (reactive oxygen radials). Anti-aging and metabolic activation enzymes have been shown to be responsive to PQQ making it a possible link to aging. PQQ studies on humans have also shown benefits for reduced inflammation (interleukin-6, C-reactive proteins). PQQ has numerous animal studies, this human study on LDL cholesterol and others are showing the beneficial properties of supplemental PQQ.
Pycnogenol has been a recommended antioxidant for over forty years. Recent research on Pycongenol for endurance and recovery could make Pycongenol the new sports nutrition buzzword. Pycongenol comes from a French maritime pine tree that grows on the coastline of southwest France. Pycnogenol’s fame was and still is an antioxidant. Some recent research has not only shown its potential for antioxidant properties, but also reduction in oxidative stress. The result is better oxygen management during workout stress, more O2 for the energy bottom line. A study conducted by the U.S. Army, a double blind study, with 147 individuals showed increased pushups, better 2 mile run, and more sit ups with the 74 individuals using 100mg of Pycnogenol daily. Another study with tri-athletes monitored for four weeks saw an improvement of 10.8 minutes with the use of 150mg of Pycnogenol. Additionally the group suggested a reduction in cramps and improved recovery. The sports nutrition world may be buzzing about Pycnogenol.
Written by Starkie Sowers CN
Edited By Wayne Grubacich
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